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The AdvaPACS Gateway requires Java 18 or later installed on your Linux server.

Installation Steps

Download and install the Gateway

There are two ways to install the AdvaPACS Gateway in Linux, you can either download the package file and manually install it or use a package manager to automatically download and install it for you.

Package Files

The package files are located in the installation dialog box. Just select the Linux tab and download the appropriate installer for your operating system.

Package Manager

You can download and install the AdvaPACS Gateway directly from APT and RPM package managers.

APT Distributions
  1. Update the apt package index file and install the following packages: ca-certificates, curl, and gnupg.

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
  2. Add the official GPG key of AdvaPACS to advahealthsolutions-keyring.gpg.

    curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/advahealthsolutions-keyring.gpg
  3. Add the following string of text into two files: advahealthsolutions.list and null.

    echo "deb [arch=all signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/advahealthsolutions-keyring.gpg] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/advahealthsolutions.list > /dev/null
  4. Update the apt package index file and install the advapacs-gateway package.

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install advapacs-gateway

RPM Distributions

  1. Add the following string of text into the advapacs.repo file.

    sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/advapacs.repo << EOF
    name=AdvaPACS Gateway Repository
  2. Add the official GPG key of AdvaPACS to rpm.

    sudo rpm --import
  3. Install the advapacs-gateway package.

    sudo yum install advapacs-gateway

Configure the Gateway

After installing the Gateway, you would need to enter the region, access key, and access key secret into the file.

  1. Go to the AdvaPACS Gateway folder.

    cd /opt/AdvaHealthSolutions/AdvaPACSGateway
  2. Open the file.

    sudo nano
  3. Add your region, access key, and access key secret. c1291092116b144ffbfefd7c8d2f5cc68
    advapacs.access.key.secret: H6ZGuZzOVGWTygzAkg3LHTmdNpVe65Y0tvWNQjXiuCOmILgsr7d7ZeX9IXvJWJt6dv10ru3R8kPXrTwv
    advapacs.region: sgp
  4. Save the file changes.

Run the AdvaPACS Gateway

  1. Start the Gateway.

    systemctl start advapacs-gateway

    You can also do the following to have the Gateway launch automatically whenever the server boots up:

    systemctl enable advapacs-gateway
  2. Go to the Gateways screen in your AdvaPACS dashboard. In a few minutes, the Gateway should now show as Online.

Now that your account and the Gateway have already established a connection, the next step is to set up a DICOM server on the Gateway we just installed.


If the Gateway profile still shows as Offline, click on the "refresh" button to refresh the page.

If after troubleshooting, your AdvaPACS Gateway still shows as Offline, you can contact us for assistance.