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Upload DICOM Files


For a step-by-step guide on how to upload studies, see How to Manually Upload DICOM Files.

Upload DICOM files to AdvaPACS from your work or personal computer or from third-party services, such as, Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

DICOM files are commonly uploaded to PACS services from modalities. In AdvaPACS, you can directly upload studies from your work, personal computer, or from third-party services, such as, Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Furthermore, because AdvaPACS can be used as a standalone web storage solution, you can also upload DICOM files without any connected modalities.

Accepted Files

The Upload feature only accepts DICOM files or zip files that contain DICOM files.

Uploading DICOM Files (with connected modalities)

When uploading DICOM files, AdvaPACS tenants that already have connected Local AEs and modalities (Remote AEs) must specify which AE the files to be uploaded would be from, even if the files are technically not sent from those AEs.

The reason for specifying a Local AE and a Remote AE is that it allows the studies uploaded through this feature to inherit the default configuration values set on the AEs, such as their Default Issuer of Patient ID, Organization, Accession Number, Time Zone, etc., as if they are sent from those AEs.

Also, specifying these AEs helps AdvaPACS apply configured rules (e.g., Routing Rules and Compression Rules) to the appropriate studies.

Moreover, once you select the Local AE and Remote AE, the Storage Class will default to the assigned Storage Class of the selected Local AE. However, if you prefer the studies to be stored in a different Storage Class, you can explicitly choose one to override the assigned Storage Class of the selected Local AE.

Uploading DICOM Files (without connected modalities)

For AdvaPACS tenants that do not have any connected modalities, you can still upload DICOM files for online storage. When uploading, you only need to specify which Storage Class the studies will be stored in.