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Location Resource

AdvaPACS uses the Location resource to represent the Site of an Organisation.

Locations can be attached to a variety of resources including ServiceRequests and Devices.

Locations will only be enabled if the Organisations & Sites feature has been enabled in AdvaPACS.


For full information on the Location resource, please refer to the FHIR standard.

Supported Transactions

  • Search
  • Read

Example Resource

This example shows the attributes supported by AdvaPACS.

"resourceType": "Location",
"id": "542ba027-1adf-4d5d-b961-9e26f8e8e4b7",
"identifier": [
"value": "EXAMPLE"
"status": "active",
"name": "Example Site",
"managingOrganization": {
"reference": "Organization/b0eef8ff-6f17-4222-a85e-5f5fd3259618"